名称:Museum View hotel |  | 编号:Pro2010514162521 | 星级别:1星级 | 价格:600元 | 房间类型:标双 | 时间:2010-05-14 16:34:38 | | |  |  | |
酒店建于 2009, 层数: 1, 房间总数量: 10, 单人间数量: 4, 双人间数量: 6, 有两张单人床的房间: 3, 有双人床的房间: 3, 可放置三张床的房间: 3, 可放置四张床的房间: 2, 酒店 , 城市酒店 , 假日酒店 , 青年酒店
- 酒店风格和环境
- Museum View Hotel warmly welcomes budget travelers to a place where they find a feeling of welcome unlike any other. As the newest hotel in downtown Cairo, it is both clean and well-furnished, and enjoys a perfect location in the center of the business and commercial district in the heart of downtown Cairo. Just opposite to the hotel is the EGYPTIAN MUSEUM after which the hotel is named,where you can see treasures of ancient Egypt, including those of the most famous ancient pharaoh King Tut.
- 酒店的特色
- Museum View offers air-conditioned rooms for our summer guests and heating units for our winter visitors. The hotel also offers free breakfast. The hotel offers free airport pickup for those booking rooms with bathroom for more than one night. We also offer free transfers back to the airport for those staying in rooms with bathrooms for more than three nights. Please avoid the trouble of dealing with airport and street hustlers and hotel touts on your way to see us. If you wish to be picked up at the airport, please inform us of the airline name, flight number, date, and time.
- 接待
- 长达一天24小时
- 周末人工接待
- 长达一天24小时
- 最早入住登记
- 09:00
- 离店时间
- 13:00
- 酒店停业日期
- 为HRS客人提供的免费服务
- 1瓶矿泉水, 停车场/车库, 欢迎饮料, 客人在居住期间使用折叠躺椅, 往返机场的免费个人接送服务, 酒店内或其旁边免费停车场, 晚结账(延迟至当地时间下午3点前, 房间内无线局域网
- 酒店地点、环境和景观
- Nearby points of interest: The Egyptian Museum, just opposite to the hotel Cairo Airport,30 minutes driving The Nile River, 2 minutes walking Metro station, 2 minuets walking Downtown shops, 2 minutes walking Embassies, most of them only 10 minutes walking from the hotel Old Cairo, 10 minutes driving from the hotel Khan El Kalili Bazaar, 10 minutes driving The main train station, 10 minutes driving Giza Pyramids, 30 minutes driving
| | 点击次数:3417 |  |